Real Food
Our Story
We practice traditional methods to deliver fast, healthy & approachable whole foods.
Our vision is to deliver whole foods to every Kiwi.
Hey! Evelyn and Jesse here.
We have strong values in all aspects of life and we like to reflect this in Dripping Bowl as a whole. With a combination of farming, business, cheffing and service industry experience, we like to think that we have a pretty well-rounded idea of how we want to change the food industry.
Since 2017, situated on a humble patch of gravel in ‘downtown’ Wanaka, Dripping Bowl’s focus has always been: whole foods, local suppliers & pure abundance. This is reflected in every dish, to this day.
You’ve heard a lot about food but of equal value, is positively embracing and impacting our community. We will always keep healthy whole foods available to all and allow space for new producers and suppliers within our community. Communities need unity to build strength and resilience. We’re here for the hard yakka.
Evelyn & Jesse
What’s cooking?
Our seasonal Dripping Bowl menu
We like to keep things consistently delicious around here but ‘the only constant in life is change’ Heraclitus says. Our buddha bowls offer hot and cold options year round and just as the leaves change colour, soups make their comeback to warm ya from the inside out. Don’t worry die hard smoothie bowl lovers, you’re set year round along with coffee, bone broth and stunning treats.

Fast, Healthy and Approachable Whole Foods.
Fast, Healthy and Approachable Whole Foods. •
Shop our sauces
A new approach to flavour…
100% real food
Our aim is to make your life easier by offering up these flavoursome sauces created to act as marinades, garnishes or a punch of flavour in any dish. Staying true to Dripping Bowl’s values, these sauces might be the best thing you do for yourself all week.